Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
"It's true that all good things must come to an end."
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rindu ini. |
There are so many things to be told and yet, so little time to spill it. But there is about something I feel like blogging about it. Its been one and a half month I am back in UPM, start a brand new semester here which is third sem, second year. While I was waiting to be as a second year student, ALL of the IPTA's students are given such a longgggggg looonnnggggg breaaakkkk which is 4months.
So, here's the story. Out of many things to be told, I chose this to be some topic for this entry. I've been spending my time with my freennnsss. It is more to quality time. ehem. Boleh dikatakan setiap hari mesti keluar. Nasib baik ada la jugak saving yg dibuat sebelum cuti, tu yg boleh survive smpai 4bulan tuu. hehe. Selalunya start hari khamis, akan lepak ngn Syamilia. Dia study kat UiTM Merbok, so quite dekat dgn Penang. Bila dia balik, ktorg akan hang out boleh dikatakan everyday. Tapi bila fikir balik, kitorg bukannya pergi tgk wayang ke apa ke. But, thats us. Memang jarang sangat la tgk wayang. Bukan sebab kitorg xsuka tgk movie, but we think that dgn cara tgk movie, xleh sembang. Kami nanti p la mana2. Jalan kat QB ke gurney ke mane ke. Tgh jalan pun boleh dok sembang, sampaikan pernah satu hari ni ada org yg kami kenal pggl kami. Dia cakap lebih dari 3kali dia pggl kami(nak tegur la sbb terserempak) tp kami xdgar, bukan xdgar tp xprasan wehh. hahaha. Kami dua ni cakap banyak. Memangg never stop talking. People sometimes wonder, even her mum ask her about what did we talked everyday. We talked something random. Sometimes we talked about guys, sometimes about educations, sometimes about people we dislike, she dislike, things happen that time, bara kat org ke, nak p penumbuk sape2 ke. There are thousands of inside jokes and stories between us. Thats all I can say. hehe
Since we slalu communicate everyday, thats why we create B&M. This can strengthen our frenship together, work on together. It's a good thing though. I don't find it wasting our time. So now, what I'm trying to say here, I miss the moment I have those good thing while semester break. I can watch Pretty Little Liars, I can hang out till midnight, I can be at Syamilia's house till dawn, I can play with her brothers, I can waste my time by window shopping, I can sleep anytime I can, and whatsoever. If I was given a list to list things I miss the most, I can guarantee you I cant stop list it. ahhh, shit. When can I get those moment back? I think end of this 2nd year. wheeehuuu. Cant wait! I miss "my" myvi. hehehe. I called it mine because I am the one whose driving it, bak kata org buat harta. :P
I wish I could tell everything in my mind, whats my heart telling but I cant because there are so many things and I think some things should be left unspoken. Because it will be so F-ing boring if we drag something, some topic while "bercerita-ing" :P So, I should cut this entry here. toodles :)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
she will be loved.
Bila takde kerja, mulalah meng'usha' facebook, twitter and etc. While scrolling down my facebook's homepage, I saw one of these status update. I feel so touched. I dunno why, maybe sebab emo lebih kot? haha. So, here's the thing.
Bf : Kita main satu game nak tak?
Bf : Kita main satu game nak tak?
Gf : Game apa?
Bf : Mcam ni, esok awak tak payah contact saya. Mksudnya tak payah text,call or apa2 yg berkaitan lah. Saya pun buat mcam tu dkat awak okay? Kita tgok sape menang.
Gf : Okay sayang!
... ... Esoknya, si Gf terpaksalah tahan rindu dkt Bf. Mengenangkan ini satu permainan, si Gf cuba kuatkan hati.
Keesokkan harinya, si Gf call si Bf. Tapi tak dijwab. So si Gf pegi rumah Bf dia. Di luar rumah, ramai org. Dia mula rasa pelik dan terus masuk ke rumah. Sekujur tubuh terbaring kaku di tgh rumah. Dan tubuh itu adalah jasad si Bf yg dah meninggal. Mak si Bf pun bagi surat dkat GF.
Surat yg bertulis:
Sayang, smlam awak dpt hidup sehari tanpa saya. Saya pasti esok dan seterusnya pasti awak dpt hidup bahagia tanpa saya :')
sweet kaann? I find it sweet sebab laki tu cam *dunnowhattosay*. Think about what I used to have currently, rasa geram smua pun ada. Tapi nasib baik dah over. So kiranya xde org nak menyakitkan ati lagi. Being in relationship bknnya utk bear dgn segala sakit yg ada. Being in relationship to be happy, to be someone yg boleh share everything, to share your happiness sadness and stuff bukannya untuk di "taken for granted". Yes, org kata I salah jahat and stuff because I leave him. Its better to be a leaver rather than dok stay utk dapat sakit. But please, jgn nak judge sangat. Dengar sebelah pihak tidak memberi korg pandangan utk judge someone tu.
Okay now I wanna ask, ada ke laki yg rely on woman? Perempuan drive, perempuan do this, do that and blabla. Rasa macam I dont deserve to deserve on any guys. Im a woman, mmg dah tertulis dah perempuan need to be taken care. Memang silap besar la nak suruh perempuan buat smuanya. Sebenarnya, byk lagi mistakes I found in my past relationship tapi malas nak point out. Sebab benda dah lepas kan, jadikan yg lps tu as an experienced and jadikan yg terbaru tu sebagai yg terbaik. I wanna cut it off so that xigt bnda lama. take care uolls *winks
Monday, October 3, 2011
pretty girls.
assalamualaikum. hehe.
okay, today rasa mcm nak crita pasal b&m lagi (dah xde benda lain nak cerita ke Hafizah oii :P)
takde ape, sebenarnya excited je. sebab kitorg skrg dah create benda baru, which is bobby pin. eh x, syamilia yg buat bobby pin ni. Dia yg came out this idea. Tak guna jugak cakap byk. let show some pictures and some new items. hehe
ouhh yaa, before that, ktorg pun boleh customize. contohnye mcm korg suke warna merah and hitam. tapi ktorg xde color camtu, korg bleh reqest. crita ngn ktorg, korg nak color macam mana. ktorg lagi suka kalau nak buat color baru and design baru. ye laa, smua org taste xsame. xsemestinya korg suke color ktorg kann. hehe. kat fb page b&m, ada satu album kids choice. itu smua budak yg pilih. hehe.
I just put some of the new items kat sini. pape pun, do visit and like our page, b&m. much love :)
okay, today rasa mcm nak crita pasal b&m lagi (dah xde benda lain nak cerita ke Hafizah oii :P)
takde ape, sebenarnya excited je. sebab kitorg skrg dah create benda baru, which is bobby pin. eh x, syamilia yg buat bobby pin ni. Dia yg came out this idea. Tak guna jugak cakap byk. let show some pictures and some new items. hehe
ouhh yaa, before that, ktorg pun boleh customize. contohnye mcm korg suke warna merah and hitam. tapi ktorg xde color camtu, korg bleh reqest. crita ngn ktorg, korg nak color macam mana. ktorg lagi suka kalau nak buat color baru and design baru. ye laa, smua org taste xsame. xsemestinya korg suke color ktorg kann. hehe. kat fb page b&m, ada satu album kids choice. itu smua budak yg pilih. hehe.
I just put some of the new items kat sini. pape pun, do visit and like our page, b&m. much love :)
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